
Welcome to my site!

This site is currently in Beta, and it is being continuously updated. If something doesn't seem to be working please contact me. See more on the about page.

Click on images to enlarge them!


I designed and created this wall clock, as an assignment for a part of my Milestone module. I've 3d printed and glued it together for the finished product. I also made some product posters. I 3d printed it

3d printing
#1 photo of GearClock
#2 photo of GearClock
Project Details
The icon of Milestone Creative Community

Milestone Creative Community

An open-source website I coded for the Milestone Arts and Creative Writing Club. It's a platform for young writers and artist to publish and showcase their works. Currently in use by creative minds at Milestone Institute.

#1 photo of Milestone Creative Community
Try it out!Project Details
The icon of GreenBox (JunctionX Budapest '23)

GreenBox (JunctionX Budapest '23)

My Teams submission for the 2023 Budapest X Junction hackathon. We worked on Greenbox, our project, for 48 hours. We also made a YouTube video that introduces our product, you can find the link here.

#1 photo of GreenBox (JunctionX Budapest '23)
#2 photo of GreenBox (JunctionX Budapest '23)
#3 photo of GreenBox (JunctionX Budapest '23)

Robot Car Controller

My robot car, which you can control real time from my site. It even features a live low-latency video camera. Inbuilt radar, obstacle avoidance and other sensors assist with remote control. 

Backend Development
Frontend development
Raspberry Pi
Computer Vision
#1 photo of Robot Car Controller
#2 photo of Robot Car Controller
The icon of PocakTudor


My mobile application made for Hungarian pediatricians. Available on the App Store and Google Play.

Mobile App Development
Flutter & Dart
#1 photo of PocakTudor
#2 photo of PocakTudor
#3 photo of PocakTudor
#4 photo of PocakTudor

Object Tracking Robotic Arm

A full robotics system, which can automatically locate, pick up and move the target object. It uses my own custom computer vision system and series of algorithms to achieve a near perfect success rate.

Raspberry Pi
Computer Vision
#1 photo of Object Tracking Robotic Arm
#2 photo of Object Tracking Robotic Arm
#3 photo of Object Tracking Robotic Arm
#4 photo of Object Tracking Robotic Arm
The icon of Soundsystem OS

Soundsystem OS

My own Raspberry Pi powered sound system center, which allows you to stream music right from your phone using AirPlay to all around the house. As a bonus, you can control the complicated amplifier from an easy to use touchscreen interface.

Reverse Engineering
Embedded System
Raspberry Pi
Network Engineering
#1 photo of Soundsystem OS
#2 photo of Soundsystem OS
#3 photo of Soundsystem OS
#4 photo of Soundsystem OS
The icon of Diagram Creator

Diagram Creator

Create, edit and share complex diagrams. Your work can be exported into a file. Internally, doctors and I use this tool to create the interactive questionnaires in my mobile app, PocakTudor.


No images yet :(

The icon of PocakTudor Online

PocakTudor Online

A web version of my mobile app PocakTudor. For the best experience I still recommend the mobile app, since this version still has a couple of issues.

Web Development
#1 photo of PocakTudor Online

BioVirus Simulator (Game)

A fun little online game where you can create your own virus and then infect the whole game area with it! The infected area can give surprisingly beautiful patterns, give it a try!

#1 photo of BioVirus Simulator (Game)

Air Quality Display

A small but precise device with a built-in screen, that will measure and display the quality, humidity (%) and temperature of the air around the it. The measurements are wirelessly uploaded and available on my site, where it is graphed in real time.

#1 photo of Air Quality Display
#2 photo of Air Quality Display
#3 photo of Air Quality Display

Prime Number Tools

My own prime number related calculators, such as: is it prime, prime factor, greatest common divisor and least common multiple calculators.

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