
Többi projekt

Air Quality Display

A small but precise device with a built-in screen, that will measure and display the quality, humidity (%) and temperature of the air around the it. The measurements are wirelessly uploaded and available on my site, where it is graphed in real time.

Click on images to enlarge them!

#1 photo of Air Quality Display
#2 photo of Air Quality Display
#3 photo of Air Quality Display

Components used:

  • Adafruit Feather TFT ESP32

  • MOX gas sensor

  • Temperature & Humidity sensor

About the measurements:

The air quality is measured from a scale to 0-500, where 500 is the worse and 0 is the best. This isn't an absolute value, the sensor measures the percent of greenhouse gases in the air, but it can be used to track trends. The temperature & humidity sensor is furthermore used to calculate the air quality more precisely.

Made primary for indoor use.

Motive behind the project:

I wanted to see the trends in air quality in my room, and to have a device that I can quickly look at to determine whether or not I need to open my room's window to let in fresh air. It works perfectly for this goal.

Live graph available at:

Raw data from the sensor available at (this is used to build the graph):